Telecom Italia Is Using Ortro

Telecom Italia Is Using Ortro

November 22, 2009

I’ m happy to announce Ortro is also used in Telecom Italia now.

An older version of Ortro (updated to the latest version right in these days) was already used in such departments of Telecom Italia as an experimental software for application monitoring.

But in the last time I had a confirm Ortro is, as I like to define it, mainly a “Framework” helping you to solve the daily problems encountered in monitoring and job activities.

Some months ago some people in Telecom Italia asked me if Ortro could be used as a valid alternative to a commercial product specialized in secure file transfer activity.

So I‘ve realized a proof of concept keeping in mind the 80-20 rule and after a second phase of security, performance and functional tests Ortro was result to be a valid choice to replace the commercial product.

At writing time some real pilot projects was identified for an “on the job” final test.

The results of these activities are the actual version of Ortro (1.3.4) and the advanced file transfer plugin.

Following these positive results Telecom Italia asked me to verify if Ortro could be also used as an alternative to some commercial enterprise scheduler software Telecom is using.

So another challenge is started…

Stay tuned… the 1.4 is around the corner